#32: Get Inspired To Move West.
I got a random phone call a couple weeks ago from my old best friend, Rima, from the 2nd grade. Excited, elated, inspired and stoked with a range of feel-like-a-kid-again emotions, I jumped up and down when she told me the news. “Hey Lauren! So good news… I got a job with Salesforce as a Software Engineer! Bad news, it’s in San Francisco! Jeff and I are taking 3 weeks to get out there and road-tripping…
#9: Leave New Orleans, Heavy-Hearted.
The city I don’t want to forget: New Orleans. It’s Day # 30. The mileage meter says 2,648 miles traveled in one month. With an aching feeling of sadness, home sickness and a little vacationer’s remorse, I’m leaving this extended road trip for home, Washington, DC. Why? Well, the reason why all travelers and writers eventually return home. I can’t explain but, I can say in a month’s time, New Orleans has felt like home; a European home…
#2: Travel 1,069 Miles To Sanity.
Dear next Rest Area: Please magically appear on the side of the road soon. Maybe I should have brought my own toilet paper, Your anxious pit-stopper Taking full advantage of our just-made-up “Road Trip Rules”, the bestie and I have started our epic road trip from Virginia to New Orleans with the bucket list mentality in mind. First stop: Wytheville VA, where the world’s BIGGEST pencil is (We can all dream, can’t we?)…
#1: Lose A Job, Start A Blog.
An Open Letter to the Unemployed and Heartbroken: I recently started this travel blog after losing my beloved copywriter job and my love-less relationship in the same 24-hour period. It was a devastating, mentally draining and bittersweet time filled with lots of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. This limbo stage of my life marks the top of my shit list, somewhere around #3. Yet, despite the embarrassment, disgrace, shame and derision of disappointment from losing something and someone, the ephemeral saying still…