#54: Live Outside SF.
Sometimes to start over and make it in a new city, you’ve got to live just outside of it. After four weeks of apartment hunting, searching and tackling like the secret inner offensive linebacker in me, I finally found an apartment. Good news: it had a roof and working toilet. Bad news, it was outside San Francisco in a little quaint town called Burlingame. But, in the same breath I signed my new lease, I…
#49: Tackle Apt Hunting Like A Full Contact Sport.
Tackle it with a helluva thick skin and chutzpah. Do that and you just might not end up in the Tenderloin. It’s taken me 4 weeks, 3 apartments, 202 emails, 47 miles, 646 [espresso] shots, 7 forms of public transit and 1 college dorm room to discover an inevitable fact about SF: If the apartment hunting process doesn’t chew you up into bite-size, San Francisco bedroom-size pieces, roll you around like fresh Sushi or spit you…