#69: Crash A Stanford Football Game.
Recap of the night: crash a home game, have a blast, do the student cheer, make some new friends, tailgate like nobody’s business, stumble back to my dorm. Being college football season and all, I probably should attend a college game. Especially since I work for Stanford University. And especially since there’s only 1 week, 3 hours, and 2 minutes left until the exhibition games start. My co-worker Kelly must have heard my thoughts. When I walked into…
#63: Be A Kid Again At Great America.
Rachel and I were masters of the selfie and the kid rides.
#62: Pack California On Your Wall.
It’s much harder than you think. To pack everything you’ve ever imagined about California –– the wine, the mountains, the beach, the foods, the bizarre things, the 49ers, the ocean, the bay –– into a single map. But, if nothing else, at least you can pack wine, grapes, mountains, beach and cheese all in one. In a wine map of California. Unfolding now with the price tag smack down in the middle, it’s impressive given the size of California…
#60: Jog Through San Francisco.
A typical Saturday affair.
#54: Live Outside SF.
Sometimes to start over and make it in a new city, you’ve got to live just outside of it. After four weeks of apartment hunting, searching and tackling like the secret inner offensive linebacker in me, I finally found an apartment. Good news: it had a roof and working toilet. Bad news, it was outside San Francisco in a little quaint town called Burlingame. But, in the same breath I signed my new lease, I…