At the ripe, old age of 27, I discovered calves that I didn’t know existed. My legs were in the best shape of my life. And for a few solid months, I or my calves, felt invisible. So I tried to run/walk up Lombard Street, the Crookedest Street in San Francisco. While I did a post-victory selfie, a man stumbled past me:
“God, I hate these stairs.”
Lombard Street will give you one of the best workouts ever, but take note on these three major nuances and one pro-tip before trying it out:
- Nuance: It’s always crowded with tourists and visitors on every stair case making it never empty for a runner.
- Nuance: There are cars constantly zig-zagging their way down leaving no walking pavement room for walking
- Nuance: You either intentionally photo bomb thousands of unsuspecting strangers’ photos or you unintentionally end up in someone’s tourist photo album.
- Pro-tip: No matter which way you cut it, you have about a 5% open window to walk or run it alone. Go before 10am on a weekday when the crowds are still rising. Take a fully charged camera, batteries and strap so nothing could potentially fall. Cliche but true: wear the most comfortable shoes you own and bring band-aids. Oh, and avoid going the months of May to late July. The flowers are blooming and the weather is pleasant from Feb –– April and late August to late October.